Wednesday, May 9, 2012

totally haven't made a post this week

So I think I should. I hate how we're having a buttload of tests and stuff piled on us on the last few weeks of school. Well I am anyway, I'm sure there are people who don't have to do anything. Lucky people.
I don't know what else to talk about other than I'm really really really tired, even though I had a good sleep last night. Didn't wake up at like 2 AM.
I'm so ready for next Thursday.

Friday, May 4, 2012


I'm preeeee sure I'm about to fall out in the floor and go to sleep.
Jeebus why don't you guys tell me to go to bed earlier. 12 AM is not a good bedtime.

I've been seriously considering getting a giant rabbit when I move out on my own. And when I say giant I mean about 20 pounds of fluffy rabbit.

Yes. I'm done now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

what on earth

is that horrendous stench in the hallway.
Is this entire school just smelly today? I think so.
Next week is the last full week of school.
A week from next Thursday is our last day.
I'm excited. But it's one of those things where it's so close but seems so far away. Well it kinda is far away.. not really. Two weeks.
I'm not quite sure what else to talk about in this, so instead of going all random like I did last time I'll just go ahead and post.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


That is how I feel. Death. My nose is stuffy, my throat hurts, I sound like a man when I talk--more than I already did.
I really wish people could just let things go. It'd save them a lot. To be completely honest I'm a fairly calm person, I'm sure most of you realize that. But I have a limit, and when I'm pushed past that limit bad things happen. very bad things. 
My birthday is Monday, so I'm excited for that. No clue what I'm gonna get. I'd like a new pair of headphones since the ones I have right now are nasty plastic $5 things. A new computer would also be nice, even though the one I have right now is ancient and it's still working better than my parents' new laptop.
I'm done now. gonna go find a place to crawl into and sleep all day.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Oh the lulz. People these days.
Anyway, once again I have nothing to blog about. I washed clothes this weekend. I also cancelled Micaela and I's date this weekend because I'm an awful mean person who lives in a well. She's always wanted to spend the night in a well because she's part fish and she can breathe water. But I didn't let her. Point proven case closed goodbye kind sir/ma'ihatehernastyfaceam/thing/idonthaveagender.
Someone said mayonnaise. I hate mayonnaise. gives me the willies. it took me a while to spell mayonnaise. mayonnaisemayonnaisemayonnaise. Micaela is picking radioactive pink/black/purple/rainbow hair off her nose. 
Do your hands ever get like extremely cold? Mine do. Especially in Sugg's room. Then again his room is like a freezer every day so it's not really all that surprising.
I don't know what to talk about now. If you haven't noticed I'm making short random sentences because I'm a short random person. Very much so.
Someone's gagging or coughing up a lung or something in the hallway. no they weren't clearing their throat.
I'm gonna stop now. okay nevermind I can't.
I'm sorry if you guys just heard me throw a fit over here but this thing keeps telling me that I'm spelling nevermind wrong. I KNOW HOW TO SPELL NEVERMIND FFS.
What's wrong with me today.
No Micaela it is not never mind or never-mind. it is NEVERMIND.
n e v e r m i n d.
I know I'm crazy.
I'm terribly sorry if any of you actually read to this point. No one should have to be put through that kind of torture. I still love you all. notreallyyyyy.

Friday, April 20, 2012


I have no idea what to talk about in this post either. I really need to start doing more interesting things.
I'm probably gonna have to leave at around like 5 tonight, I really don't want to. Stupid needs. Running out of things to say uhhhhh. I'm listening to a song with Micaela that actually isn't bad. Not like I hate all her music or anything. Or do I.
No I don't.
Ello!!! I wanted to say hi on her blog ~ Micaela

Monday, April 16, 2012


Completely unrelated blog title, I know.
My neighbor/person sitting next to me/computer twin is peeling the shiny off of gum wrappers. I don't know why. But it's kinda amusing.
And she just ripped it up. Oh well.
On a side note, I hate to say it but some people in this school are beginning to annoy me just a little bit. I mean there's always been those people that I never liked to begin with, but others are beginning to work their way on that list.
There's some weird little bug that was crawling on the tablething, then it got to the corner and derped and fell. It had wings but I don't think it used them, so I'm pretty sure it's dead.
I'm done now, I'm getting too random.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I'm so tired. There are no words to describe how tired I am.  I have no idea what to talk about.
You know I kinda wish I had a different name. I don't really like mine, it's too...meh. It'd be cool if my first and middle name switched, or if my first name just kinda poofed one day. But ohwell.
I want to nap later, but if I do I won't want to wake up until 3:00. Derp.

Oh, and my spring break wasn't interesting at all. I did absolutely nothing.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I don't really know what to talk about in this post. I'm fairly sure I have quite a few posts that include my rambling, so we'll just add to that list.
Not singling anyone out, just speaking my mind.
I really really really really hate how half of the kids in middle school and some of the freshman don't understand what hygiene is. It's not that hard to shower, it really isn't. It also isn't hard to put on deodorant so you don't smell like you rolled in sweat. Nasty nasty nasty. If your hair looks like you rubbed a McDonald's hamburger in it, then it's time to wash it.

Monday, March 26, 2012

purple oranges

I'm not sure about the title, it'd probably be best to just ignore it.
Right now I'm staring at a nasty sucker stick that someone left on the table after they chewed it up. Ew.
Anyway I didn't do anything productive this weekend yet again, actually I take that back I made a cake. It was purdy gewd. I've also come to the conclusion that I have arachnophobia, because every time I see a spider I start spazzing. No joke. I can't look at one without flailing.

Friday, March 23, 2012


'You're older than me, you need to be courteous.'
'Did you just say you're older than me, you need to be a cactus?'
I will never understand how Micaela's brain works.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I could crawl under this desktablething, curl in a ball and sleep all day.
I don't really have anything to say in this blog besides the fact that I don't feel like doing much of anything today. My dog made me mad this morning because he wouldn't stop pacing around the entire house and walking in circles.

Monday, March 19, 2012


I hate how I sleep so nicely on the weekends, I don't wake up once in the middle of the night, but on school nights I can't sleep at all. I woke up at least 3 times last night. Ew.
So that said it's probably a given that I don't feel too good today, I'm sleepy and congested. More ew.
I just want to go home and stay in my room. And never come out.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Micaela has more posts than me. Around 30 more to be exact.
This means war.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


First thing's first, I have a test in Humanities that I am not prepared for at all. I have no idea what any of it is about. I'm such a good kid.

I'm also sleepy and someone won't stop poking me in my side. Still going.
I don't know what else to talk about so I'm gonna hit that 'Publish Post' button.

Monday, March 12, 2012


So I woke up this morning at around 5:50, according to my clock.
According to my clock.
In reality, it was 6:50. I had about 10 minutes to change myself from looking like a wild beastly creature that just crawled out of a bed to a somewhat presentable person. It was quite the rush, lemme tell you. Time changes just don't work with me :(:(:(:(
So all that said I'm extremely tired this morning, which could be a pretty bad thing since I have random gigglefits when I'm sleepy. Or that could be a good thing, I dunno. I'm also a little snappy when I'm tired.
Oh well. We'll see what happens. I just wanna go hoooome.

Friday, March 9, 2012


This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
It's a golden tabby tiger, and it looks so soft and fluffy. One day I will have one, one day. Micaela said she won't get me one, so she's not cool. Maltese tigers are pretty amazing too, they're blue. But I like these ones more C:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Lately I've been sleeping so good. It's pretty amazin'. I don't toss and turn and wake up at like 1 and 3 and 4 in the morning. So I'm really happy about that, among other things :D
Other than that I don't really know what to talk about in this post. My hands are awfully cold and my sleeves aren't quite long enough to act like gloves. My feet are cold too but I think my socks and shoes will take care of that c:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have absolutely no idea what to talk about today :D
I didn't go to bed 'til like midnight last night, and I'm not tired at all. Not one bit. No kiddin' broski.
Since the juniors are gone taking the ACT, chances are I won't have to do much of anything in quite a few of my classes, which makes my day even better. Yesterday was amazing by the way :DDD

Friday, March 2, 2012

so i heard

that we might have some storms today. And by storms I mean monstrous funnels of winding death. Which means Micaela is terrified for her life and will hug me in the corner and cry. And sit in the fetal position.
We have no regrets. We love our short blogs btw <3
This week has been pretty interesting. That makes me happy.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I'm kinda sleepy this morning actually. Today probably won't be a very fun or interesting day for me, but oh well. The only thing I'm really concerned with is getting home and sleeping. I'm bored right now, and I feel like saying something random.
But I'll refrain.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

micaela said so.

She told me I have to make another blog for this week so I will. Not because I have to but because I love her and wouldn't ever want her to be an unhappy little clam.
I had a nice sleep last night, only woke up once at 3 AM. And it was only for a few seconds, not for 30 minutes like usual. -clapclap-
Micaela wants to eat me and poop me out as an egg. I'm scared gaiz. Sooperskaired.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


For the little amount of sleep I got last night I feel surprisingly well rested. I went to bed at around 11:30, didn't fall asleep 'til at least midnight. Had to get up at 6. Looked at the clock the first time I woke up, it was around 3:13. Second time it was about 4:58. Then the last time I woke up, it was 6:30, and needless to say I pretty much jumped out of the bed and was in quite a rush. I'm still a little tired, but not so much as I usually am around this time.
On a side note, my feet are cold and I don't know why.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Don't you love my creative title. It's so beautiful ;u;
Micaela came to my house this weekend and we did absolutely nothing productive. Our weekend consisted of Team aVo, Minecraft, malk and snakehs.
It was interesting to say the least. :D

Friday, February 10, 2012


So I think I'm getting a cold. My nose is stuffy and it burns like akhfeljkgbs when I breathe. But it's not like a I-have-to-sneeze burn. It's like an extremely awful cold feeling. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up for days. I plan on going home, taking something for it, and sleeping for the rest of the day.
But with my luck I'll wake up at like 10:30 tonight and not be able to go back to sleep 'til around 7 AM.
Absolutely lovely.

Monday, February 6, 2012


 hehe ~Micaela 


So I totally overslept this morning, I usually have to get up at like 6 every morning. Today I looked at my clock when I woke up and it said 7:03. Don't worry, it only took me like half a second to get out of the bed and scramble to get something half-way decent to wear to school. And in the midst of my scrambling, mom wakes up and tells me Oh, don't worry about it I'll take you to school.
All that rush for nothing.
Needless to say I'm not as horribly tired today as I usually am, that's a plus.

Monday, January 30, 2012

yey another post

I made another blog post because I got bored and I don't know what to talk about but I think I'm gonna make this a huge run-on sentence because I can and because once again I'm bored hi how are you today I'm great that's good how'd you sleep horribly that's cool bye.
K so anyway. I hear strange music to my left and it's beginning to make me feel nervous and I don't know why.
Oh and I'm probably going to fall asleep again today like I did on Friday and sleep for the whole hour.
Have you ever noticed that I jump from one subject to another? It's weird.
I want juice.


Well. Here it goes.
I really don't understand why people can't learn to tolerate others. Sure, they might not agree with the things they do or the things they believe, but trying to force your beliefs on someone else isn't going to do anything. Well, it might earn you an enemy, that's about it. I don't think being different from someone else makes you any less human, but some people make it seem that way. Murr

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Today is a boring day so far. Although I have to admit that I like the fog, even though it makes me feel as if I'm not wearing glasses/contacts all over again. I'm hoping something fairly interesting will happen today, but no drama.
Since this post is so short I will give you something to think about.
Has anyone ever been so far even as decided to use even go want to do more look like?

Monday, January 23, 2012


So my weekend wasn't the best in the world, my mother had to go to the hospital and stay overnight. Didn't do much of anything productive, was too busy running back and forth from the hospital to home because the doctors kept wanting us to go get her things so they could check them or whatever.
I got very little sleep last night because of the storms, even though they weren't as bad as I thought they would be.
So yeah. /abrupt end.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I have nothing interesting to talk about, at all. My 4-day weekend was pretty uneventful, stayed home the entire time because I'm a loser. :D:D:D
I'm sleepy, but it's my fault because I went to bed at like midnight and couldn't stay asleep. Hopefully today won't require me to do a buttload of work because I don't think I want to do it. In fact I know I don't want to.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Today seems like it's gonna go by pretty fast, but it'll be boring as heck. I'm hoping we'll get all the snow so we could possibly get out of school tomorrow, since by now the lack of sleep all week is really starting to get to me and I'd love to sleep in all morning.

Monday, January 9, 2012

so sleepy.

I am extreeeemely tired. I feel like I didn't sleep at all actually. I'm probably gonna go home and go straight to bed, if I make it past the door without falling asleep on the floor :D

I did absolutely nothing this weekend, wooo. The last two days of my life consisted of a computer and a puppy, and sleep. Something that I wish I had right now.
I'm gonna stop now before I start rambling and never shut up. :p

Friday, January 6, 2012


So I got like. no sleep last night. I'm as hyper as I don't know what, and I have a feeling by the end of the day Micaela is going to be terrified of me :D 
I'm superduperkawaiidesu excited that it's Friday, even though now I have that stupid song stuck in my head and it will never ever go away until I die. I don't really have anything else to talk about right now, I just needed another blog post so yaaaay :D:D:D:D:D:D:D Idk.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

i was here

love~ Micaela

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I'm not excited like at all to be back here. In fact I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the fact that I wanted to see my friends. I didn't do anything over break, at all, except for play Minecraft with a few of my friends. That was enough to keep me entertained for 2 weeks.
I got clothes and a Wii for Christmas, and the Wii hasn't been taken out of the box yet because I'm a lazy-butt. You guys should tell me what you got, so I can complain to my parents that all my friends got better things than I did baw.