Monday, April 23, 2012


Oh the lulz. People these days.
Anyway, once again I have nothing to blog about. I washed clothes this weekend. I also cancelled Micaela and I's date this weekend because I'm an awful mean person who lives in a well. She's always wanted to spend the night in a well because she's part fish and she can breathe water. But I didn't let her. Point proven case closed goodbye kind sir/ma'ihatehernastyfaceam/thing/idonthaveagender.
Someone said mayonnaise. I hate mayonnaise. gives me the willies. it took me a while to spell mayonnaise. mayonnaisemayonnaisemayonnaise. Micaela is picking radioactive pink/black/purple/rainbow hair off her nose. 
Do your hands ever get like extremely cold? Mine do. Especially in Sugg's room. Then again his room is like a freezer every day so it's not really all that surprising.
I don't know what to talk about now. If you haven't noticed I'm making short random sentences because I'm a short random person. Very much so.
Someone's gagging or coughing up a lung or something in the hallway. no they weren't clearing their throat.
I'm gonna stop now. okay nevermind I can't.
I'm sorry if you guys just heard me throw a fit over here but this thing keeps telling me that I'm spelling nevermind wrong. I KNOW HOW TO SPELL NEVERMIND FFS.
What's wrong with me today.
No Micaela it is not never mind or never-mind. it is NEVERMIND.
n e v e r m i n d.
I know I'm crazy.
I'm terribly sorry if any of you actually read to this point. No one should have to be put through that kind of torture. I still love you all. notreallyyyyy.


    Mayonaise is gross
    I did laundry over the weekend too though. Well my mom did.

  2. That's awesome. And mayonnaise is very gross. I don't even know what it's made out of.
    A thick, creamy dressing consisting of egg yolks beaten with oil and vinegar and seasoned.'
    So it's made out of eggs. That's nasty.
