Monday, April 16, 2012


Completely unrelated blog title, I know.
My neighbor/person sitting next to me/computer twin is peeling the shiny off of gum wrappers. I don't know why. But it's kinda amusing.
And she just ripped it up. Oh well.
On a side note, I hate to say it but some people in this school are beginning to annoy me just a little bit. I mean there's always been those people that I never liked to begin with, but others are beginning to work their way on that list.
There's some weird little bug that was crawling on the tablething, then it got to the corner and derped and fell. It had wings but I don't think it used them, so I'm pretty sure it's dead.
I'm done now, I'm getting too random.


  1. Replies
    1. Eeeyup. Some people and their constant smart comments are beginning to bug me just a little bit.

  2. Spongebob died!! =( He was in the prime of his life!!!!

  3. All because of your title, I now want spaghetti-o's!! Is it 11 yet? I'm so hungry!

    1. Lol I'm sorry. Still got about 3 hours to go D;

  4. Spaghetti-O's sound really good right now because I am hungry. I hate bugs, I'm glad it died. Or so you think.
    I definitely have one of those annoying lists. I just want summer to be here because people get more annoying each day.
    I'm still hungry. Maybe I should start eating breakfast...
