Thursday, April 26, 2012


That is how I feel. Death. My nose is stuffy, my throat hurts, I sound like a man when I talk--more than I already did.
I really wish people could just let things go. It'd save them a lot. To be completely honest I'm a fairly calm person, I'm sure most of you realize that. But I have a limit, and when I'm pushed past that limit bad things happen. very bad things. 
My birthday is Monday, so I'm excited for that. No clue what I'm gonna get. I'd like a new pair of headphones since the ones I have right now are nasty plastic $5 things. A new computer would also be nice, even though the one I have right now is ancient and it's still working better than my parents' new laptop.
I'm done now. gonna go find a place to crawl into and sleep all day.


  1. I'll get you a fish. Maybe not. but yeah. I would if i had a way to go get a fish.....

  2. get beats by dre head phones they sound nice
