Monday, March 12, 2012


So I woke up this morning at around 5:50, according to my clock.
According to my clock.
In reality, it was 6:50. I had about 10 minutes to change myself from looking like a wild beastly creature that just crawled out of a bed to a somewhat presentable person. It was quite the rush, lemme tell you. Time changes just don't work with me :(:(:(:(
So all that said I'm extremely tired this morning, which could be a pretty bad thing since I have random gigglefits when I'm sleepy. Or that could be a good thing, I dunno. I'm also a little snappy when I'm tired.
Oh well. We'll see what happens. I just wanna go hoooome.

1 comment:

  1. lol well i would say so far 1st period has been pretty good haha
