Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I don't really know what to talk about in this post. I'm fairly sure I have quite a few posts that include my rambling, so we'll just add to that list.
Not singling anyone out, just speaking my mind.
I really really really really hate how half of the kids in middle school and some of the freshman don't understand what hygiene is. It's not that hard to shower, it really isn't. It also isn't hard to put on deodorant so you don't smell like you rolled in sweat. Nasty nasty nasty. If your hair looks like you rubbed a McDonald's hamburger in it, then it's time to wash it.


  1. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    that just ehhhhh! that makes me want to take a second shower for the morning.

  2. Maybe they're all blind with no sense of smell :(

  3. Eww. Even if you can't shower, just use deodorant. You can get free samples at places.

  4. lol its not just middle schoolers and freshman theres at least 5 or 6 stinky kids in each grade that should prolly bathe every few days and get used to it then try to everyday. they expecially need to wash there hair it just looks wet all the time and dirty. and wash there clothes. and get new shoes. and clip there fingers and clean out there ears and idk.. art has quite a few stinky kids

  5. I see it more with freshman and middle schoolers. But yeah, there's a few people in every grade. Art does have a lot of ew people.

  6. Have you not noticed the occasional, yet extremely disturbing stink in 6th period? I thought I was going to have to leave one day...it literally made me gag at one point! Hygiene should definitely be taught at an early age and revisited later. Surely people realize that if they can smell their own nastiness that everyone else can smell it as well!
