Monday, December 12, 2011


I'm excited for this week to be over. Like, super excited. Squealing on the inside excited.
I don't have much to talk about other than being superkawaiidesu excited, so you guys should tell me what you want for Christmas. I want a new computer more than anything, because the one I have now is bleh.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


This is my favorite color :D
Anyway. I have to make another blog post. But I have no idea what to talk about. So here it goes.
I think Micaela is writing another post about me because she turned her computer away from me and now I'm crying on the inside. But not really.
But if she did, I'm gonna go read it and get angry but not really then comment. And we're going to have a comment war. Because that's what we do.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I don't think this week is going to be very interesting. I have a piggybank thing due tomorrow for art and I haven't even started on it, then my book talk and 5-page research assignment is due next week. The only thing I think I'll be doing is work. And lots of it.
On a side note, I've found a way to annoy Micaela. wootwoot

Friday, December 2, 2011


I actually did something productive. That only happens when I'm bored.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I have absolutely no idea what to talk about in this post. Nothing interesting has happened lately, at all. The only thing I can think to talk about is how I hate that in the mornings, kids who are dropped off by parents have to wait outside the school because there are 'no teachers', when you can see teachers walking around in the building. They won't let us in, but teachers' kids can come in if they want. I personally don't think it's fair that I have to sit outside and freeze my butt off while some other little kid gets to go in with his mommy. :|

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I feel absolutely horrible today. I got next to no sleep last night, I feel sick, my throat hurts, I'm aching everywhere, my eyes are burning like the fiery pits of you-know-where, I just want to lay down on the nice cool floor and sleep. And if anyone tries to wake me up, I'm going to slowly eat them alive. I mean it. Shoo.

Friday, November 18, 2011


                        Micaela Michelle




Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I feel horrible. I got home yesterday and had a splitting headache, bad enough that I took two tylenol PM just so I could sleep it off. That knocked me out for about 2 hours, then not even 5 minutes after I woke up I had another migraine. I immediately crawled to the kitchen, took two more, and slowly pulled myself back into the bed. Falling asleep was easy, staying that way was hard. I'd say maybe I got 4 hours of sleep last night all together.

I'm so miserable ;_;

Monday, November 14, 2011


k, so. I had an amazing weekend. This lovely child sitting to my left came to my house on Friday night, we played SSBM, and in the process took some funny pics and I almost made her choke on an ice cream cone.  I hobbled around in the kitchen like a crab to get some pizza and she found that fairly funny too. My bed isn't quite big enough for two people, so we started dragging all the furniture in the living room to the center and put blankets over it so we had a place to sleep, I fell asleep at around 10 and woke up at some ungodly time in the morning to find that her elbow was in my mouth. Delicious. Not to mention that my dog was trying to sabotage our fort by walking across the top of it because he's used to sleeping by me, and didn't quite realize that there are indeed openings that he can walk through. Silly thing.
So yeah. Amazing weekends +1

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Well. On Monday afternoon, after this terrible event that they call 'school', I went with this little lady to her house to see the puppy we plan on buying. After that, we went to the basketball game in the middle school,  only to get bored after about 20 minutes and walk all the way around the school to the band room door, and found Leah and Ashley trying to sneak up on us and crawling through a ditch. Pretty scary stuff. Anyway, all of us stood there listening to music and acting like complete goobs for at least an hour before my mother showed up and gave all of us a ride back. Went home, stayed up until about 1 AM, a tinge of depression smacked me in the face and I started crying for at least 30 minutes until I forgot what I was crying about and fell asleep.
The last two days were absolutely wonderful.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I don't feel like doing anything today. I know I'm like that 99% of the time, but today it's just really overpowering. I just wanna kick my chair across the room, throw a complete fit, crawl up on a desk or table and sleep until I can't stand to sleep anymore. And if anyone tries to stop me, I'll turn into a kawaiidesu ninja and throw a chair at your face.
Actually I don't think I'll be able to do any of that, but it's a nice thought.

Monday, October 31, 2011

angree burds.

So today is Halloween, and I'm still quite surprised by some of the costumes people have worn to school -- especially the goth/black lips/dead/bride/cheerleader/hjkhlkhja that a few of the Freshman seem to be wearing; not that it's a huge shock or anything. I would just rather save things like that for walking in the dark where not as many people can see it.
On a side note, the teachers are now angry birds.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Am I the only person who wakes up randomly in the middle of the night because I think I've lost my phone? I usually stuff it under my pillow once I go to bed, however it always seems to make it's way under  me as I sleep. I think it grows legs randomly.
Or maybe it's sneaking under me to sabotage my sleep and make me accidentally call/text someone with gibberish salkfhjsakjhfsa and snoring.
It's a conspiracy. ;A;

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

A very short but interesting weekend.

Yes., it was a short weekend. Aren't they all though? Ashley spent Friday, and part of Saturday with me, and we went to the derby on Saturday night. Even though I couldn't feel any of my limbs after about an hour, it was fun-ish. Watching people in cars and on lawnmowers trying their hardest to ruin whatever they're driving is always fun. Unless you're on an animal. Then it could be a little dangerous. But yeah, that was my weekend. Nothing else to say at the moment.

Monday, September 19, 2011

wat do.

My weekend was boring, as always. There was a few times that I considered getting on Facebook to see what everyone was doing, but then I remembered that I hate Facebook. Baaaw.
So anyway, I spent most of my time online, lurking as usual. Youtube can work miracles when you're bored. My sleep wasn't exactly comfortable, I tossed and turned and always woke up at around 6:30 AM, then couldn't go back to sleep. more baaaaw.
So, tell me what you...people did this weekend.
Edit// And I have just realized that someone from Germany has stalked my blog. Creepy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Random complaining time. I hate.hate.hate.HATE chatspeak, whatever it is you young 'uns call it. Is it really that hard to type and spell properly instead of...well. This; amg i so kol nd ur so stipud lololol!111!!//

Yes. It annoys me to no end. It doesn't make you seem cool. It makes you seem like a 2 year old having uncontrollable hand spasms all over  your  keyboard. Am I the only one who thinks like this?

Monday, September 12, 2011

What am I doing

I don't know. I'm sitting in this cold room at 8:43 AM. I shouldn't even be up right now, I should be asleep in a nice warm bed. But no. No, I have to come to this place, this horrible awful place and sit and learn, God forbid. On top of all that I have to edit this thing once. every. week.
I'm gonna die.
Okay, so I'll rant about something. Thinking, thinking..