Monday, November 14, 2011


k, so. I had an amazing weekend. This lovely child sitting to my left came to my house on Friday night, we played SSBM, and in the process took some funny pics and I almost made her choke on an ice cream cone.  I hobbled around in the kitchen like a crab to get some pizza and she found that fairly funny too. My bed isn't quite big enough for two people, so we started dragging all the furniture in the living room to the center and put blankets over it so we had a place to sleep, I fell asleep at around 10 and woke up at some ungodly time in the morning to find that her elbow was in my mouth. Delicious. Not to mention that my dog was trying to sabotage our fort by walking across the top of it because he's used to sleeping by me, and didn't quite realize that there are indeed openings that he can walk through. Silly thing.
So yeah. Amazing weekends +1


  1. So is hobbling anything close to how a penguin walks? because if so...i worship you

  2. Sorta, except I was kinda crouched down in an odd way. But it's the same idea.

  3. I love your dogs.
    Except if you lay down they hump your legs.
    Ew. >_>

  4. Lolyes. Well one does. She's an old bag though.
