Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Well. On Monday afternoon, after this terrible event that they call 'school', I went with this little lady to her house to see the puppy we plan on buying. After that, we went to the basketball game in the middle school,  only to get bored after about 20 minutes and walk all the way around the school to the band room door, and found Leah and Ashley trying to sneak up on us and crawling through a ditch. Pretty scary stuff. Anyway, all of us stood there listening to music and acting like complete goobs for at least an hour before my mother showed up and gave all of us a ride back. Went home, stayed up until about 1 AM, a tinge of depression smacked me in the face and I started crying for at least 30 minutes until I forgot what I was crying about and fell asleep.
The last two days were absolutely wonderful.


  1. I'm a goofy goober.
    You're a goofy goober.

  2. That was really fun Monday, and I retrieved my phone back from the tree you stuck it in too:).
