Monday, September 19, 2011

wat do.

My weekend was boring, as always. There was a few times that I considered getting on Facebook to see what everyone was doing, but then I remembered that I hate Facebook. Baaaw.
So anyway, I spent most of my time online, lurking as usual. Youtube can work miracles when you're bored. My sleep wasn't exactly comfortable, I tossed and turned and always woke up at around 6:30 AM, then couldn't go back to sleep. more baaaaw.
So, tell me what you...people did this weekend.
Edit// And I have just realized that someone from Germany has stalked my blog. Creepy.


  1. Yeah, someone from Germany has looked at my blog too....

  2. someone from Germany looked at mine too lol. I love facebook. I always seem to end up there no matter what I am doing.

  3. i like your fishes. theyre all ninja and junk
