Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Random complaining time. I hate.hate.hate.HATE chatspeak, whatever it is you young 'uns call it. Is it really that hard to type and spell properly instead of...well. This; amg i so kol nd ur so stipud lololol!111!!//

Yes. It annoys me to no end. It doesn't make you seem cool. It makes you seem like a 2 year old having uncontrollable hand spasms all over  your  keyboard. Am I the only one who thinks like this?


  1. Randam komplaynin tym. I h8 h8 h8 H8 chatspek, wateva eet is u yun uns kawl eet. Es eet rly tht hrd 2 typ n spel proprli insted uf wel, this.
    ya eet anois me 2 no edn. eet dsnt mak u sem kewl. et maks u sem liek a 2 yr ol havn unkontroleble han spasimz awl ovr ur kibord. am i da onli 1 wo thnks liek ths?
    (I hate chatspeak too. So.)

  2. That is not English...

  3. Just imaging that their fingers are mangled and they have only one on each hand makes me feel better.

  4. agreeing with dylan.

  5. I don't ever understand what anyone means. It always takes me forever to figure it out. ):
