Thursday, October 27, 2011


Am I the only person who wakes up randomly in the middle of the night because I think I've lost my phone? I usually stuff it under my pillow once I go to bed, however it always seems to make it's way under  me as I sleep. I think it grows legs randomly.
Or maybe it's sneaking under me to sabotage my sleep and make me accidentally call/text someone with gibberish salkfhjsakjhfsa and snoring.
It's a conspiracy. ;A;


  1. That happened to me at your house... exactly.

  2. haha its okay in my sleep i randomly txt ppl and tell them im confused at like 3 in the morning and then when i wake up im like why are these ppl txt me!!!!!

  3. i sleep text, and somehow do that at the same time...i rip my bed apart every morning to find it either at the bottom of my bed or thrown on the floor :P

  4. Mine's always either under me, under my pillow, or on the floor. I'm not sure how it gets all the way on the floor since I make a point to keep it as close as possible to me so I don't lose it and end the universe.
    I'm surprised it doesn't end up under my dog 'cause he's a fatty.
