Wednesday, May 9, 2012

totally haven't made a post this week

So I think I should. I hate how we're having a buttload of tests and stuff piled on us on the last few weeks of school. Well I am anyway, I'm sure there are people who don't have to do anything. Lucky people.
I don't know what else to talk about other than I'm really really really tired, even though I had a good sleep last night. Didn't wake up at like 2 AM.
I'm so ready for next Thursday.

Friday, May 4, 2012


I'm preeeee sure I'm about to fall out in the floor and go to sleep.
Jeebus why don't you guys tell me to go to bed earlier. 12 AM is not a good bedtime.

I've been seriously considering getting a giant rabbit when I move out on my own. And when I say giant I mean about 20 pounds of fluffy rabbit.

Yes. I'm done now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

what on earth

is that horrendous stench in the hallway.
Is this entire school just smelly today? I think so.
Next week is the last full week of school.
A week from next Thursday is our last day.
I'm excited. But it's one of those things where it's so close but seems so far away. Well it kinda is far away.. not really. Two weeks.
I'm not quite sure what else to talk about in this, so instead of going all random like I did last time I'll just go ahead and post.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


That is how I feel. Death. My nose is stuffy, my throat hurts, I sound like a man when I talk--more than I already did.
I really wish people could just let things go. It'd save them a lot. To be completely honest I'm a fairly calm person, I'm sure most of you realize that. But I have a limit, and when I'm pushed past that limit bad things happen. very bad things. 
My birthday is Monday, so I'm excited for that. No clue what I'm gonna get. I'd like a new pair of headphones since the ones I have right now are nasty plastic $5 things. A new computer would also be nice, even though the one I have right now is ancient and it's still working better than my parents' new laptop.
I'm done now. gonna go find a place to crawl into and sleep all day.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Oh the lulz. People these days.
Anyway, once again I have nothing to blog about. I washed clothes this weekend. I also cancelled Micaela and I's date this weekend because I'm an awful mean person who lives in a well. She's always wanted to spend the night in a well because she's part fish and she can breathe water. But I didn't let her. Point proven case closed goodbye kind sir/ma'ihatehernastyfaceam/thing/idonthaveagender.
Someone said mayonnaise. I hate mayonnaise. gives me the willies. it took me a while to spell mayonnaise. mayonnaisemayonnaisemayonnaise. Micaela is picking radioactive pink/black/purple/rainbow hair off her nose. 
Do your hands ever get like extremely cold? Mine do. Especially in Sugg's room. Then again his room is like a freezer every day so it's not really all that surprising.
I don't know what to talk about now. If you haven't noticed I'm making short random sentences because I'm a short random person. Very much so.
Someone's gagging or coughing up a lung or something in the hallway. no they weren't clearing their throat.
I'm gonna stop now. okay nevermind I can't.
I'm sorry if you guys just heard me throw a fit over here but this thing keeps telling me that I'm spelling nevermind wrong. I KNOW HOW TO SPELL NEVERMIND FFS.
What's wrong with me today.
No Micaela it is not never mind or never-mind. it is NEVERMIND.
n e v e r m i n d.
I know I'm crazy.
I'm terribly sorry if any of you actually read to this point. No one should have to be put through that kind of torture. I still love you all. notreallyyyyy.

Friday, April 20, 2012


I have no idea what to talk about in this post either. I really need to start doing more interesting things.
I'm probably gonna have to leave at around like 5 tonight, I really don't want to. Stupid needs. Running out of things to say uhhhhh. I'm listening to a song with Micaela that actually isn't bad. Not like I hate all her music or anything. Or do I.
No I don't.
Ello!!! I wanted to say hi on her blog ~ Micaela

Monday, April 16, 2012


Completely unrelated blog title, I know.
My neighbor/person sitting next to me/computer twin is peeling the shiny off of gum wrappers. I don't know why. But it's kinda amusing.
And she just ripped it up. Oh well.
On a side note, I hate to say it but some people in this school are beginning to annoy me just a little bit. I mean there's always been those people that I never liked to begin with, but others are beginning to work their way on that list.
There's some weird little bug that was crawling on the tablething, then it got to the corner and derped and fell. It had wings but I don't think it used them, so I'm pretty sure it's dead.
I'm done now, I'm getting too random.