Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I don't really know what to talk about in this post. I'm fairly sure I have quite a few posts that include my rambling, so we'll just add to that list.
Not singling anyone out, just speaking my mind.
I really really really really hate how half of the kids in middle school and some of the freshman don't understand what hygiene is. It's not that hard to shower, it really isn't. It also isn't hard to put on deodorant so you don't smell like you rolled in sweat. Nasty nasty nasty. If your hair looks like you rubbed a McDonald's hamburger in it, then it's time to wash it.

Monday, March 26, 2012

purple oranges

I'm not sure about the title, it'd probably be best to just ignore it.
Right now I'm staring at a nasty sucker stick that someone left on the table after they chewed it up. Ew.
Anyway I didn't do anything productive this weekend yet again, actually I take that back I made a cake. It was purdy gewd. I've also come to the conclusion that I have arachnophobia, because every time I see a spider I start spazzing. No joke. I can't look at one without flailing.

Friday, March 23, 2012


'You're older than me, you need to be courteous.'
'Did you just say you're older than me, you need to be a cactus?'
I will never understand how Micaela's brain works.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I could crawl under this desktablething, curl in a ball and sleep all day.
I don't really have anything to say in this blog besides the fact that I don't feel like doing much of anything today. My dog made me mad this morning because he wouldn't stop pacing around the entire house and walking in circles.

Monday, March 19, 2012


I hate how I sleep so nicely on the weekends, I don't wake up once in the middle of the night, but on school nights I can't sleep at all. I woke up at least 3 times last night. Ew.
So that said it's probably a given that I don't feel too good today, I'm sleepy and congested. More ew.
I just want to go home and stay in my room. And never come out.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Micaela has more posts than me. Around 30 more to be exact.
This means war.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


First thing's first, I have a test in Humanities that I am not prepared for at all. I have no idea what any of it is about. I'm such a good kid.

I'm also sleepy and someone won't stop poking me in my side. Still going.
I don't know what else to talk about so I'm gonna hit that 'Publish Post' button.

Monday, March 12, 2012


So I woke up this morning at around 5:50, according to my clock.
According to my clock.
In reality, it was 6:50. I had about 10 minutes to change myself from looking like a wild beastly creature that just crawled out of a bed to a somewhat presentable person. It was quite the rush, lemme tell you. Time changes just don't work with me :(:(:(:(
So all that said I'm extremely tired this morning, which could be a pretty bad thing since I have random gigglefits when I'm sleepy. Or that could be a good thing, I dunno. I'm also a little snappy when I'm tired.
Oh well. We'll see what happens. I just wanna go hoooome.

Friday, March 9, 2012


This is the most adorable thing I've ever seen.
It's a golden tabby tiger, and it looks so soft and fluffy. One day I will have one, one day. Micaela said she won't get me one, so she's not cool. Maltese tigers are pretty amazing too, they're blue. But I like these ones more C:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Lately I've been sleeping so good. It's pretty amazin'. I don't toss and turn and wake up at like 1 and 3 and 4 in the morning. So I'm really happy about that, among other things :D
Other than that I don't really know what to talk about in this post. My hands are awfully cold and my sleeves aren't quite long enough to act like gloves. My feet are cold too but I think my socks and shoes will take care of that c:

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have absolutely no idea what to talk about today :D
I didn't go to bed 'til like midnight last night, and I'm not tired at all. Not one bit. No kiddin' broski.
Since the juniors are gone taking the ACT, chances are I won't have to do much of anything in quite a few of my classes, which makes my day even better. Yesterday was amazing by the way :DDD

Friday, March 2, 2012

so i heard

that we might have some storms today. And by storms I mean monstrous funnels of winding death. Which means Micaela is terrified for her life and will hug me in the corner and cry. And sit in the fetal position.
We have no regrets. We love our short blogs btw <3
This week has been pretty interesting. That makes me happy.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I'm kinda sleepy this morning actually. Today probably won't be a very fun or interesting day for me, but oh well. The only thing I'm really concerned with is getting home and sleeping. I'm bored right now, and I feel like saying something random.
But I'll refrain.