Monday, September 19, 2011

wat do.

My weekend was boring, as always. There was a few times that I considered getting on Facebook to see what everyone was doing, but then I remembered that I hate Facebook. Baaaw.
So anyway, I spent most of my time online, lurking as usual. Youtube can work miracles when you're bored. My sleep wasn't exactly comfortable, I tossed and turned and always woke up at around 6:30 AM, then couldn't go back to sleep. more baaaaw.
So, tell me what you...people did this weekend.
Edit// And I have just realized that someone from Germany has stalked my blog. Creepy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Random complaining time. I hate.hate.hate.HATE chatspeak, whatever it is you young 'uns call it. Is it really that hard to type and spell properly instead of...well. This; amg i so kol nd ur so stipud lololol!111!!//

Yes. It annoys me to no end. It doesn't make you seem cool. It makes you seem like a 2 year old having uncontrollable hand spasms all over  your  keyboard. Am I the only one who thinks like this?

Monday, September 12, 2011

What am I doing

I don't know. I'm sitting in this cold room at 8:43 AM. I shouldn't even be up right now, I should be asleep in a nice warm bed. But no. No, I have to come to this place, this horrible awful place and sit and learn, God forbid. On top of all that I have to edit this thing once. every. week.
I'm gonna die.
Okay, so I'll rant about something. Thinking, thinking..