Monday, October 31, 2011

angree burds.

So today is Halloween, and I'm still quite surprised by some of the costumes people have worn to school -- especially the goth/black lips/dead/bride/cheerleader/hjkhlkhja that a few of the Freshman seem to be wearing; not that it's a huge shock or anything. I would just rather save things like that for walking in the dark where not as many people can see it.
On a side note, the teachers are now angry birds.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Am I the only person who wakes up randomly in the middle of the night because I think I've lost my phone? I usually stuff it under my pillow once I go to bed, however it always seems to make it's way under  me as I sleep. I think it grows legs randomly.
Or maybe it's sneaking under me to sabotage my sleep and make me accidentally call/text someone with gibberish salkfhjsakjhfsa and snoring.
It's a conspiracy. ;A;

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

A very short but interesting weekend.

Yes., it was a short weekend. Aren't they all though? Ashley spent Friday, and part of Saturday with me, and we went to the derby on Saturday night. Even though I couldn't feel any of my limbs after about an hour, it was fun-ish. Watching people in cars and on lawnmowers trying their hardest to ruin whatever they're driving is always fun. Unless you're on an animal. Then it could be a little dangerous. But yeah, that was my weekend. Nothing else to say at the moment.